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Bern UCC

Bern Reformed
United Church Of Christ

Join Us Every Sunday

Worship / Youth Ministry - 9:30 AM

All Are Welcome!

ALL Are Welcome!

We are a welcoming and caring Christian community whose purpose is to share the love of God for all those needing food for body and soul.

Christian Baptism is required of all members of Bern Reformed United Church of Christ. The UCC believes that if you have been baptized, no matter in which denomination, one baptism is sufficient.

Confirmation is a period of instruction in the fundamentals of the Christian faith for youth twelve years of age or older.

Adults receive instruction based on the needs of the individual, and are received into the church through letter of transfer or by profession of faith.

2025 Consistory Officers

  • Eric SchaefferPresident
    Eric Schaeffer
  • Pam SchonourVice-President
    Pam Schonour
  • Person NeededSecretary
    Person Needed
  • Deborah WhiteTreasurer
    Deborah White
  • Marlene HawsAsst Treasurer
    Marlene Haws
  • Larry BenevitFinancial Secretary
    Larry Benevit

Bern Old Graveyard Records

Bern Stewardship Appeal
Making Missions Happen!

  • Helping the hungry in our area and around the world.
  • Serving our community with events and fellowship.
  • Educating youth and adults about the Gospel.