Meet Our Director Of Music
Let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. – Psalm 95:1

Marie Ohlinger
Our Choir Schedule is coming to an end for this season. Voices of Bern rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Bell Choir, directed by Linda Mitchell, also rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm.
Our talented Adult Choir enjoys a wide repertoire of music from traditional to contemporary. They work hard and readily accept the challenge of different styles of music. Here we prepare our hearts to sing God's praise! Won't you consider coming out and joining our Senior Choir and/or Bell Choir? We are always looking for new members. We hope you will consider giving it a try and hope to see some new faces.
Voices Of Bern

On October 22, Bern hosted our annual Fall Concert. This year's program featured:
- Phoebe Berks Piano Quartet
- Bells of Bern
- Bells of Chestnut Hill
- Vocalist - Deborah Greenawald
Each Sunday this summer, we were treated to some wonderful music from members of our congregation and from guests.
Summer Music program featured:
- Native American Flute Circle
- Pianist - Sandy Leidich
- Cellist - Connor Cordes
- Entertainers - Mike & Linda Hertzog
- Vocalists - Ray & David Riegel
- Members - Chris Forry, Linda Mitchell, Ken Noecker, Pam Schonour, and George Tobias
Bells Of Bern
Linda Mitchell - Director