We are hosting a Drive-Thru Community Dinner on Tuesday, February 20 . Distribution will be 5pm-6pm. Donations of items for the dinner should be at the church by noon on the 22nd. Items will be collected on Sunday, November 20 before the church service or talk to Corey Wolf to schedule a different time.
There is a Sunday School class available on the second and third Sunday of the month. We will meet in the Social Room. The class will be for anyone up to and including grade 6. Youth will be dismissed from church following the pastor’s children’s message/Topic Talk.
It's time to start saving those shoe boxes and collecting items for the Christmas Shoe Boxes. As usual, your continued support has enabled the Youth Ministry to be successful in their outreach efforts.
September - small tablets
October - coloring books
Items can be purchased in any order and placed in the box in the Library.
Come and join the Birthday Lunch Bunch . On the 3rd Thursday of each month to celebrate those in our congregation who are 80 and over and have a birthday that month. We will meet in the Social Room at Noon. Please let Joan MacKnight know if you will be coming. If you have suggestions for or would like to provide luncheon meals or activites, please let Judy know.
Please consider becoming part of our Prayer Chain . If you’d like to help to support others that are in need of positive thoughts and prayers, please contact Barbara Reed or Sue Vituszynski. Your name will be added to our team, and you will be contacted when a prayer request is received.
We are in need of folks to supply after church refreshments . This includes clean up and rinsing of the coffee carafes. If you able to do one of the Sundays, please contact Shirley Ernst.
Bells of Bern rehearsals are on Wednesdays 6:15pm. Voices of Bern rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. See everyone there!
Turtle Moon Native American Flute Circle - This Native American group will be meeting in the Social Room the first Sunday of each month. They have graciously invited anyone interested to attend their programs. No technical knowledge is necessary. Please join in for some outstanding fun! Come play or just listen.
The signup sheets for 2025 Bulletin and Altar Flower Sponsors are on the bulletin board. Please consider honoring a loved one or commemorating a special event by sponsoring weekly bulletins or alter flowers. Many thanks for your generosity.
Supervised Nursery for infants through 3 yrs of age is available in the Nursery Room adjoining the Sanctuary.
Sue Vituszynski urges congregational participation in our efforts to support the 48 residents of Berks Leisure Living . She suggested that we adopt a BLT (Berks Leisure Living Tenant). Support could include sending birthday cards, greeting cards on other occasions, visiting the tenant and perhaps small gifts. Sue V. has sheets with available names and birthday dates.
The holidays are fast approaching so it’s a good time to remind you to remember your friends at Berks Leisure Living. Thanksgiving and Christmas cards are greatly appreciated, and the residents often talk of the nice gifts their friends from Bern bring them. Please help to make the days more special for these residents of Berks Leisure. If you have any questions, please see Sue V. Thanks for all that you have done in the past in this project.
Donations Always Taken: New Journey Soup Kitchen, which we support with a monthly meal, is always in need of cereal, canned soup, peanut butter, liquid dish soap, dish cloths, and scrubbies. Those items can be brought in at any time, giving us another way to help others in need.
The Bern Blast is a weekly email communication sent by Bern UCC Church every Thursday . If you have something you'd like to have "blasted," email it to Judy by Wednesday . If you don't already receive the Bern Blast, ask Judy to add you to the list.
The Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank will again be using our parking lot on the 2nd Friday of every month. Food will be distributed from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
The great group of folks involved in our fundraising are pleased to report that in 2021 Bern Church contributed to these well deserving organizations:
Mt Pleasant Fire Company Apparatus Fund
Greenfields Fire Company Apparatus Fund
Keystone Veterans Organization
Schuylkill Valley Pantry
New Journey Pantry
Thank you to all who contributed their time, food, expertise, money, etc. to help Bern Church help these other organizations who do so much good for our community!
Making Missions Happen!
Missions are more than you might think. Everything we do here at Bern is a "mission" in one way or another. From running the soup kitchen to Sunday school, and even the Sunday service and all the fellowship activities are a mission in one way or another.
We’ll also ask you to give prayerful thought to your role in making Bern’s missions happen. Most of you have no doubt noted that we have been highlighting in the bulletin and newsletter a comparison of current income and expenses. We’re hoping that part of your prayerful consideration will result in your support that not only goes to individual missions—everything from Community Concerns to OCWM — but also to helping pay our current fund expenses.
We’re all aware that supporting the current fund doesn’t attract the same warm feeling as support for our direct missions. But our house of God is just like any home … it needs to rest on a good foundation for the rest of it to stay strong. Our support for the church’s current fund is our way of keeping that "foundation" in place so that our missions can keep pointing toward heaven.
And, of course, we’re aware that the "Pay Down the Note" campaign is a mission of its own that requires a payment of principal, month in and month out.
The Bern Cemetery has lots for sale. Prices are as follows:
1 grave - $500
2 graves - $600
4 graves - $800
8 graves - $1000
This price includes perpetual care. Please contact Barbara Reed or Ed Fisher if there are any questions or to make an appointments. We also want to remind lot holders that all plants and flowers are to be removed twenty days after a holiday. Also to be removed are wires, rods, or pins. No glass containers are to be used at any time. Starting this season we ask that no silk or plastic flowers be placed at the monuments during the mowing season from May 1 through October 1 . Thank you for your cooperation!
Trustees of the Bern Cemetery Co.
Looking for Sunshine Assistance! Consistory is attempting to redistribute the many duties connected with the Sunshine Committee. Sunshine Committee – needs a new chairperson to guide various aspects of this committee:
Senior persons 90th birthday luncheons – Will ask for a volunteer to supervise.
Sunday Hospitality coffee and cookies - Suggestion that this be rotated monthly; it was suggested that one leader could be a point person for organizing monthly hosts/hostesses.
Funeral Luncheons - It was suggested that a point person could supervise the gathering of servers and determination of foods provided.
Gifts for shut-ins – Community Concerns said they would take this.
In the event of Inclement Weather , it may be necessary to cancel Sunday Christian Education classes and Worship. An announcement will be available on the church telephone line or you may view WFMZ-Channel 69 or listen to WEEU-830AM for a listing of community weather-related cancellations. The web site home page will also post an announcement of the cancellation.
Welcome New Members!
Ken Loehr
Hillary Arndt
Daniel &Beverly Haughney
Richard & Susan Snyder
You are invited to participate in a retirement community out-reach ministry. We are so grateful for the many donations already contributed for the upcoming retirement community outreach on Thursday, October 10 from 2 - 3pm at Manor Care in Laureldale. Please let Barbara Reed know if you can volunteer your time.
These items were suggestions from residents for both bingo prizes and auction items.
Word Search Books
Sm. Bottles of hand sanitizer
Emery boards
Small neck pillows
Costume jewelry
Scratch pads/pens
Small tablets
Shower caps and hairnets
Socks with treads or fuzzy soft socks
Solar dancing sun flowers
Hand soaps in pumps
Bar soap
Clear nail polish
Throw blankets
Lipstick & Chapstick
Knee socks
Assorted greeting cards
Postage stamps
Small candy bars
Small snack bags