Bern UCC Ministries
We are a welcoming and caring Christian community whose purpose is to share the love of God for all those needing food for body and soul.
Children Ministry
- To educate, we use the highly-regarded FaithWeaver NOW Curriculum.
- Our children are grouped into 3 age levels: Little Lambs, Lord's Loving Lions, & Young Prophets.
- They participate in the worship service during the Children's Church Time Ministry Devotions.
- To accept the joy and cost of discipleship, following Christ's example.
- To be good stewards of who we are and what God has given us, while reaching out to those beyond ourselves to be instruments of peace.
Teen Ministry
- To bring the contemporary message of God to today's youth.
- To enable today's youth to be tomorrow's Christian leaders.
- To respond to the social and spiritual needs of the teens in our community by providing fun programs, activities, and events that will allow them to express their faith through their own words and actions.
- To encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as people of faith while providing volunteer services to the community.
Music Ministry
- To promote the gospel of Jesus Christ through the impact of music.
- To provide a mixture of traditional and contemporary preludes, hymns, and choral anthems.
- To grow and be strengthened through prayer and scriptural studies.
- To accept the joy and cost of discipleship, following Christ's example.
- To be good stewards of who we are and what God has given us, while reaching out to those beyond ourselves to be instruments of peace.